From Camper to Counselor

There is a very special group of camp leaders. These are the children of the camp leaders trained between 1991 and 2010. These children grew up in Christian camps because their parents were program leaders, sports leaders, crafts instructors, music leaders, cooks or camp directors – senior camp staff. They observed their parents lead and they are the first generation to have learned, not just from books or in class, but who saw live role models with their own eyes.
David is one of them. His mother became a Christian in early 1990 and immediately joined her church’s camp staff as a camp administrator, camp nurse and a crafts instructor. David grew up at camp. As far as he can remember he was at camp every summer: first as a staff child, then as a counsellor, and then as a sports leader. Now he is a high quality counsellor at Camp Vertical, a camp for boys where boys learn how to be men after God’s own heart. David attended our instructor-training course in order to teach boys at camp effectively. Today David is a CCI-Ukraine certified instructor.